residual self image

Thursday, August 11, 2005


For the information of those who came in late…. Which includes just about everybody on this green and blue planet other than my family and friends.

On the morning of July 11th 2005 I joined a big huge MNC IT company that makes millions of Indians proud and has thousands of jobless American programmers swearing by the mere mention of its name. I later signed on the dotted lines on a stamp paper that I will remain faithful to her (the company) for at least 1 year. Did I just pawn my soul for a year??

Anyway life was good in the beginning. We, me and hundreds of other freshers from engg collages were put in a nice huge residential campus for 10 days. Then the problems started. On yet another fine morning I was asked to pack my bags and leave to a development center in another state. I was to be trained in ERP.

When I arrived at my new workplace I asked the HR what ERP was….since the only things I knew were c, c++ and java. The female tried hard to explain it …. After some business related mumble mumble I understood that she knows as much about the technical side of ERP as my grandma about the difference between Windows and Linux. I gave up. Finally she told me that at the end of the training i.e after 2 months I will figure out what ERP is. That was the only single sensible thing she said that day during her 30 minute presentation.

Now a fortnight later I have covered databases, learnt how to use UNIX, oracle and java but what will I be working on in ERP means still eludes me :(


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